Yield & Bonus explained

How is calcultated the training camp yield

Mordor Finance is a 3% daily miner. This act as a baseline to calculate the daily return of your army. To improve the algorythim and the miner interest we added a bonus mechanism, splitted in two parts:

  • Automatic: calculated without investor action

  • Bought: depending on the choice of the investor

The bonus is rounded to the percent. Bonus values are: 3%,4%,5%,6%,7%,8%.

The max bonus rule

In any case the max bonus available is 5%. So the max yield is 8% with any kind of cumulated bonus effect.

Automatic Bonus

The automatic bonus is a simple bonus calculated on the deposit amount. It's

There's no more rule. As previously said, the max bonus is 5, Sauron let you do the math.

Bought Bonus

At the very start of the project we wanted to create some interaction between our smart contracts and wanted to create a kind of gateway between Mordor.Finance and The BNB Dwarf. Here was born the idea of this bonus.

The mechanism

Well, you can buy from 1% to 5% bonus by burning the same amount % of your current army.

The bonus will run during 7 days. And you can't change it during the period.

Your stacked BNBs will not be impacted by the choice to burn ORCS.

Once again Sauron will tell you to do your homework but we will take a short example:

From A 5000 ORCS army.
Want to buy a 5% bonus: 
5000 * 5% = 250 ORCS 
You will BURN 250 ORCS
Your army will keep 4750 ORCS
Your daily yield will be: 3% (BASE) + 5% (BOUGHT) = 8% TOTAL 

In a middle term range the burning mechanism is way more profitable than not using it. DYOMaths.

Where are going my burned ORCS

Burned ORCS and their value in BNB will be transfered to the supportWallet. The address is fixed in the contract and it will serve our projects, to create events, sustains TVLs of higher yields projects, etc.. The goal is to create a global ecosystem between our contracts. As usual, the wallet is public, all transactions will be readable. Send us your ideas (if you have some) to improve our DAPP collection. We will appreciate them. NoBullshit.

Last updated